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- Fareham Art Group Annual Art Exhibition.

Plein Air Artist Abi Hudson, outside with a painting of some houses and a yacht

A big welcome to my new blog, I hope that it will become a place to hear my latest news, learn about upcoming events, enjoy some behind the scenes action and gain an insight into what it takes to become a working Artist (I'm still learning that part myself, so bear with me!).

Today I'd like to talk about the benefits of exhibiting your Art, or at least about taking your first steps into showing work publicly, after all, what joy does your Art bring if it is stacked up at home hidden from view?

I joined my local art group, Fareham Art Group, last year and this weekend they held their annual exhibition. Despite my best intentions I've not been as active in the group as I had hoped, one thing or another (mainly child related) always seems to get in the way. However, keen to feel part of the action and the local art community and hopeful of selling my work I submitted some pieces.

Last year I entered four paintings and sold one. This year, I was keen to test some other ideas and what better place to do it than your local group exhibition, so also handed in my newly printed greetings cards and art prints too.

Three of the pieces I submitted: "Winter Light", "Evening Sail on the Solent" & "Golden Hour At Beacon Cove"

The exhibition runs over the weekend with the preview evening on Friday. Given that the group is entirely volunteer run, so too, is the exhibition. I have found that the benefits of volunteering to get involved in the set-up, sales and hand out/ take down can't really be underestimated. Monetarily it makes no sense, you spend "x" hours painting a painting, framing it, driving it to the exhibition and then you also have to hang around "working" at the exhibition in order for the chance to possibly sell said painting... However, I have realised, as someone starting out in an Art career (fingers crossed), that the lessons I've learned over those few hours have helped me progress in all sorts of ways.

Firstly there's the logistics, sounds boring, but as I plan to have an open studio down the line, for example, I expect it's a necessary evil. It's a great place to see how you might set up an exhibition, display work, track sales, process payments and ensure nothing is stolen, amongst other things.

Meeting other artists has been extremely useful. I try hard not to fall into the trap of competitive comparison, we're all developing at own pace and within our own constraints, but it's always useful to see your work amongst others and to hear about other peoples motivations, style and techniques. This time around I got some tips from Tony Bevel on where to find a local printer, with a discount for group members, I chatted to a fellow Artist/ Photographer Emma Trickle about photographing work and was encouraged by another to push myself further within my work and to enter some other events.

And then there are those serendipitous moments, like when I over heard someone commenting positively on my work, or when I bumped into a family trying to decide which of my prints they liked best, but selected two, because they couldn't make a decision. That encouragement is incredibly uplifting and worth the time.

In terms of sales, I was really pleased to sell "Dusk at Port Solent", a couple of prints and some cards and to top things off I had the excitement of receiving an award, "The Mayor's Choice Award"! It's the first Art Award that I have won, since I received my Leaving Cert (A-Level) Art award at school - I definitely didn't expect it, but am hugely grateful! Does that make me an "Award winning Artist??"....

Thank you to everyone at Fareham Art Group who made it happen and to all the visitors who came to view our work!

Abi Hudson Artist receiving the Mayor's Choice Award from the Mayor of Fareham, Councillor Mr Fred Birkett and Mrs Birkett, at Fareham Art Group Annual Exhibition 2023

Receiving my award (and looking a bit embarrassed!) from the Mayor of Fareham, Councillor Mr Fred Birkett and Mrs Birkett.

Award winning original oil painting "Dusk At Port Solent", by British Artist Abi Hudson

"Dusk at Port Solent" - winner of the Mayor's Choice Award, 2023

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